German studies

Newspaper scrap from the WWI Immigrant Poetry Project, reads "Bon Frei!"


The WWI Immigrant Poetry Project creates a digital repository and annotated edition of poems written by German Americans during the decade of the Great War. Largely absent from scholarship on the history and culture of Germans and their descendants in America, this poetry sheds light on the complexities of German-American national identity during a time of upheaval and significant change for this immigrant group—the largest and most established non-English-speaking ethnic group in the United States on the eve of the First World War. The war, particularly after the U.S.

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This project set out to collect, annotate, and analyze a longitudinal corpus of university students’ writing in German as a Foreign Language at low proficiency levels. This project contributes to Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research by facilitating analyses of longitudinal language development both in groups and individuals, whereas most of SLA studies have been either cross-sectional or small-scale longitudinal (tracking 1-2 participants over time).