Our Mission
The Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities (IDRH) is an intellectual hub for digital humanities inquiry and practice that reaches across and beyond the KU campus.
We value collaboration and prioritize accessibility. We are committed to listening to each other across boundaries of discipline, identity, and tradition. We are dedicated to a participatory practice that recognizes the voices, skills, and labor of all. Convinced that innovation requires cooperation, we strive to create an environment in which ideas can be explored safely by all, where respect infuses thought, and where civility protects inquiry without silencing dissent.
Founded in 2010, the IDRH is a partnership between the Hall Center for the Humanities, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and University of Kansas Libraries. At the IDRH, we:
- Aim to build a flourishing environment for innovative exploration at the intersection of digital technology and humanities research.
- Provide resources and training in the practices and tools of the digital humanities.
- Interrogate citizenship in a digital age by considering what it means to act ethically in digital cultures.
- Promote public scholarship and partnership-building.
- Facilitate externally funded research.
- Welcome everyone, from the curious to the novice to the expert.
- Value authentic collaborations with partners on and off campus.