Emmett Till Memory Project

Emmett Till Memory Project
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The Emmett Till Memory Project is your complete guide to the legacy of Till’s murder. The app takes users to the most important sites in the Mississippi Delta and beyond. At each site, the app provides expert-vetted narratives, access to relevant archival documents, and a collection of historic and contemporary photographs. The ETMP teaches users what happened at each site in 1955 and how the sites have been commemorated since 1955.
By telling Till’s story from the perspective of each site, the app encourages users to wrestle with different versions of Till’s story and think critically about how it has been passed on.
The ETMP is a collaborative production of the Emmett Till Memorial Commission of Tallahatchie County and scholars across the country: Dave Tell, Davis Houck, and Pablo Correa. It is funded by the General Research Fund at the University of Kansas and the Institute for Museum and Library Services.
Marvar, Alexandra. “Remembering Slain Teen Emmett Till in His Hometown of Chicago via Civil Rights Tourism and a Mobile App.” Chicago Tribune, August 27, 2020. https://www.chicagotribune.com/travel/ct-trav-emmett-till-app-0823-20200827-je7tn6n3jfeddd7qriwxy46o2q-story.html?fbclid=IwAR1aRDTPG2S2rJ4ReoGm8tOEr3XyTtGM4G6IYN-YfEwJ0eifQmOtDA0PE7M.
Remembering Emmett Till: From Chicago to Mississippi, Connecting Visitors with Location-Based History (n.d.). Institute of Museum and Library Services. Retrieved March 5, 2021, from http://www.imls.gov/grant-spotlights/remembering-emmett-till-chicago-mississippi-connecting-visitors-location-based
The Emmett Till Memory Project. (n.d.). Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://humanitiesforall.org/projects/the-emmett-till-memory-project
Tell, D. (n.d.). Commentary: Protecting the memory of Emmett Till from the scourge of vandals. Chicagotribune.Com. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://www.chicagotribune.com/opinion/commentary/ct-opinion-emmett-till-sign-vandalism-20190726-7kjjvedmzvhgxpvxspvsf5fg4u-story.html
Tell, D. (2017). Remembering Emmett Till: Reflections on Geography, Race, and Memory. Advances in the History of Rhetoric, 20(2), 128–138. https://doi.org/10.1080/15362426.2017.1325414