John McEwan

John McEwan
  • Digital Humanities Librarian, KU Libraries

Contact Info

Watson Library, Rm 440


John McEwan is an assistant librarian in the Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities, University of Kansas. He was previously assistant professor of digital humanities and director of the Walter J. Ong. S.J. Center for Digital Humanities at Saint Louis University. From 2009 to 2014, he was a researcher in the Department of History and Welsh History at the University of Aberystwyth (Wales, UK), where he worked on the Seals in Medieval Wales project.


Ph.D. in History, University of London (Royal Holloway), 2007
MLIS, Library and Information Science , University of Alberta, 2020


My research interests focus on the city of London and medieval sigillography, as well as machine learning, linked open data, and imaging technologies. I am the curator and founder of the Digisig project.

Selected Publications


Seals in Medieval London, 1050-1300: A Catalogue (London Record Society, 2016).


Articles and Book Chapters

‘New approaches to old questions: digital technology, sigillography and DIGISIG’, in Medieval Studies, Digital Methods, vol. 1 (2022).

‘Charity and London Bridge in the thirteenth century’, in Medieval Londoners: Essays to Mark the 80th Birthday of Caroline M. Barron, ed. E. New and C. Steer (Institute of Historical Research, 2019), 223–244.

‘Tout and seals’, in Thomas Frederick Tout: Refashioning History in the 20th Century, ed. J. Rosenthal and C. Barron (Institute of Historical Research, 2019), 185–198.

‘Does size matter? Seals in England and Wales, ca.1200-1500’, in Companion to Seals in the Middle Ages, ed. L. Whatley (Brill, 2019), 103–126.

 ‘Reflectance transformation imaging and the future of medieval sigillography’, History Compass, iss. e12477 (2018).

 ‘London’s militia in the thirteenth century’, Medieval Prosopography, vol. 33 (2018), pp.89-102.

 ‘Les Londoniens comme fournisseurs à la cour royale au XIIIe siècle’, in Paris ville de cour, eds. Boris Bove, Muriel Gaude-Ferragu et Cédric Michon (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2017), pp.185-194.

‘The past, present and future of sigillography: towards a new structural standard for seal catalogues’, Archives and Records, vol. 41 (2017), pp.1-20.

‘Local government in troubled times: London 1263-68’, in Baronial Reform and Revolution in England, 1258-1267, ed. A. Jobson (The Boydell Press, 2016), 125-138.

'Seals in Medieval Wales and its neighbouring counties: trends in motifs', in Seals and Society: Medieval Wales, the Welsh Marches and their English Border Region, ed. Elizabeth A. New and Phillipp R. Schofield with S. Johns and J. A. McEwan (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2016), 13-34.

‘Formation of a sealing society: London in the Twelfth Century’ in Medieval Coins and Seals: Constructing Identity, Signifying Power, ed. S. Solway (Brepols, 2015), 319-330.

‘The challenge of the visual: making medieval seals accessible in the digital age’, Journal of Documentation, vol. 71, iss. 5 (2015), 999-1028.

‘Making a mark in medieval London: the social and economic status of seal-makers, c.1200-1350’, in Seals and their Context in the Middle Ages, ed. P. Schofield (Oxbow Press, 2015), 77-88.

‘Occupational identity in medieval London: the sigillographic evidence’, in The Medieval Merchant, ed. C.M. Barron and A. Sutton (Shaun Tyas, 2014), 350-63.

‘The seals of London’s governing elite in the thirteenth century’, in Thirteenth Century England  XIV, eds. J. Burton, P. Schofield, K. Stober and B. Weiler (Boydell and Brewer, 2013), 43-60.