Katherine I. Knowles

- Postdoctoral Researcher, Hall Center for the Humanities
Contact Info
Hall Center for the Humanities, Room 203
Biography —
Katherine I. Knowles is the Digital & Public Humanities Postdoctoral Researcher for the Hall Center for the Humanities and Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities. Her research focuses on Shakespeare, spatial practice, affect, and cultural heritage. She was previously a researcher for the IRIS Digital Humanities Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville from 2017-2019.
Education —
Ph.D. in English, Michigan State University, 2024, East Lansing, Michigan
M.A. in Shakespeare Studies, The University of Birmingham's Shakespeare Insitute, 2016, Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom
B.A. in English, Music, Hanover College, 2015, Hanover, Indiana