
Annotated Turki Manuscripts from the Jarring Collection Online

Annotated Turki Manuscripts from the Jarring Collection Online

Page from a Turkish manuscript where words are spaced out with a red rule lines in a grid


The project Annotated Turki Manuscripts from the Jarring Collection Online is an effort to provide better access for the public to materials in the Central Asian manuscripts collected by a number of Swedish scholars and donated by Prof. (and Ambassador) Gunnar Jarring to the Lund University Library in Sweden. The project is directed by Prof. Arienne M. Dwyer and Dr. C. M. Sperberg-McQueen.

Interactive Inner Asia Project

Interactive Inner Asia Project

Decorative thumbnail


The project aims to provide a model lexicographic, demographic, and grammatical feature infrastructure, giving users tools to explore Inner Asia, its individual languages, and their contact and change. The con­ver­gence of unrelated languages in Inner Asia is as striking as that of the Balkans, yet the fea­tures of the area’s languages have hardly been compared. The area remains largely undocu­men­ted as a Sprach­bund.