Recovering Cavendish Transcribe-a-Thon, September 27
Recovering Cavendish Transcribe-A-Thon
Be a part of the creation of an open access, searchable, reader-friendly text of
Margaret Cavendish’s Philosophical and Physical Opinions (1663)!
No experience necessary - simple transcription instructions are provided on the website!
Margaret Cavendish was a 17th century philosopher, who wrote numerous philosophical works, plays, poetry, and science fiction. While many of her works are available online in searchable editions, her important second edition of Philosophical and Physical Opinions has yet to be made available. The final text will be mounted in the Ed. Jekyll minimal editions platform for use by scholars, students, and the general public.
In person
Friday, September 27th, 12 noon - 5pm, Watson 302
For those of you in the KU and Lawrence community, we will be meeting in the Institute for Research for Digital Humanities DH Studio (Watson 302) to transcribe and talk about the project. Snacks will be available!
Anyone may participate online. The website will be open on September 25th and remain open till the transcription is complete.
This project made possible by KU IDRH, KU Libraries, and the KU Philosophy Department.
For questions or comments, contact Marcy Lascano: